Mortuus [ˈmɔrt̪uʊs̠]
From Latin Mortuus
Mortuus (feminine mortua, neuter mortuum); first/second-declension participle
- Dead, having died.
- Decayed, withered (figuratively)
- Faint, overwhelmed.
- A dead person (noun)
- A corpse, a dead body (noun)
Our Mortuus oil is the perfect ceremonial tool for all rituals involving ancestors, ancestral lineage repair, the Mighty Dead, Underworld and Hedgecraft, The death current, and Necromancy.
It contains the following ingredients:
- Rhododrendum EO
- Oakmoss EO
- Rose EO
- Pennyroyal EO
- Marjoram FO
- Helichrysum EO
- Forget-me-not FO
- Fumitory Herb
- Comfrey Leaf
- Red Poppy Flowers
Ritual application of oil to a person or an object is an almost universal practice in the history of religions, although both the steps and oils used and meanings ascribed to ritual anointments vary by spiritual paths. It is an ancient practice that has been revived in modern paganism.
The medicine person or sage of a tribe was both a physician and spiritual leader. In ritual anointing, this conjunction of religion and medicine is clear. Anointment applies the power of natural forces to the sick and those seeking change in life, partnering with herbal allies to enhance and empower these experiences.
Anointing ceremonies have been used for blessings, consecration, and initiations and can be an integral part of a spellcasting ritual.

Using anointing oils
There is a fallacy that oils can be purchased and used as is from the shelf. The power of the blends comes through ceremony and in elevating the oil from a mundane to a sacred tool. Only then are the energies of the blend activated and the herbal spirit allies called.
The oil should be used with clear intent. A simple anointing ceremony is outlined below.
Simple Anointing Ceremony
- Create sacred space before you begin.
- Focus on your intent – what is your ceremony about? Are you blessing a person or object? Are you empowering or consecrating a tool?
- For objects: Once the intent is clear, pick up the oil and apply it to the object. Keep focusing on your goal, and as you rub the oil on your tool, visualize your intent imprinting on it.
- For People: Once the intent is clear, pick up the oil and apply it to the person (or yourself) in key places in the body—the center of the forehead, the center of the chest, wrists, and ankles.

- Once anointed, sit with the person or object for as long as needed to feel the energies imprinting on them. You may burn some incense during this time or say your blessings.
- Close your circle and release your sacred space
- Your Ceremony is complete!
Candle Magick
Oils can also be used in candle magick as part of your ritual or ceremony. You can charge your ritual candles with any oil blend. To read more about Candle Magick, check this article by Raven Runyan.
Ancestral Blessing Ceremony
This oil can be used in an Ancestral Blessing Ceremony. This ceremony can be done anytime you need extra help from your ancestors!
You will need the following:
- Your Ancestral Altar
- Your Ancestral Candle
- A white blessing Candle
- Mortuus Oil
In this ceremony, you will dedicate the Mortuus oil bottle to your ancestors.
- Create sacred space in your favorite way, and light your ancestral candle.
- Call your well-seated ancestors to join you at your altar. Feel them enter the space around you. Feel their light surround you.
- Show the oil bottle to your ancestors and tell them that you are offering this oil as a way for you and them to connect and exchange energy. Let them know that this bottle is dedicated to them and the work you will do together.
- Take the white candle and pour all the love and joy you feel for your ancestors into it. You can also write on the candle if you wish. Once you have done this, anoint the candle with the oil.
- Once the candle is filled with positive blessings and joy, light it. Say the following or similar words:
“Ancestors, I offer you the light of this candle to add to your light!
I have blessed it with all of the love and joy within me,
I ask that You bless this oil and that it may
strengthen and grow our connection!” - Anoint your forehead with the oil, place the oil bottle next to the candle, and let it burn down.
- Leave the bottle undisturbed on your altar for at least three days to give your ancestors time to bless it.
- Use the oil in a personal anointing ceremony anytime you need extra help from your ancestors.
Elemental Water connects us with our emotional body, intuition and universal love.
Elemental Earth connects us with Mother Earth, the Underworld and our Ancestors.
Saturn rules organization, legal matters, endings and banishings.
Pluto rules the Underworld, the realm of possibilities, the ancestors and all who came before us.
Neptune taps into the energies of the Spiritual Realms, connecting us with our Spirit Guides, and all spiritual planes.
Mercury rules communication, travel, creativity and wisdom.
Click on each bubble to explore the energetic influences in each blend!
Areas of Focus



The Mighy Dead


Funerary Rites

Spirit Summoning


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