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Anima Mist 2
Anima [ˈänɪmä]

From Latin Anima


anima f (genitive animae); first declension

  1. Soul, Spirit, Life
  2. Air, Breeze
  3. Breath

Our Anima Herbal Mist is the perfect ceremonial tool for all rituals involving ancestors, ancestral lineage repair, the Mighty Dead, The Underworld and Hedgecraft, The death current, and Necromancy.

It contains the following ingredients:

  • Rhododrendum EO
  • Oakmoss EO
  • Rose EO
  • Pennyroyal EO
  • Helichrysum EO
  • Forget-me-not FO
  • Marjoram FO

Spiritual mists are a recent addition to the lineup of pagan products. Our lives today are much more mobile than our ancestors and sages past. We are constantly bustling from one place to another, and at times, we have no time or energy to run back to our sacred space to perform a ritual or ceremony – however, we still seek the balance and recharge that rituals can provide.

Enter spiritual mists! Spirituality is part of our daily lives; our mists are designed to go with you where YOU need them. These are portable and powerful sources of balance, support, energy boost, or even cleansing when needed. The Amāre Herbal Mist and 60 seconds of deep breathing can provide a vibrational shift whenever and wherever you need it.

Imprinting your mist

The imprinting ceremony allows you to work deeply with your mist to provide needed support.  The goal of this ritual is to imprint your calm and balanced energy pattern into the mist so that whenever you need it.  Using the mist immediately brings you back to a place of peace and balance – where you were during your imprinting ceremony.

Our mist does not need to be imprinted to work; however, it will benefit you most when doing so.  Do not let others use your mist once you have imprinted it.  This will contain your unique vibration and will not be as helpful to others.

Imprinting Ceremony for Portable Ancestral Blessings

  • You can use oils, incense, and crystals for this ceremony. I generally will use a spell candle, oil, and incense.
  • Be sure you perform this ceremony on a good day, where you feel balanced, calm, and relaxed since this is the energy pattern you want to imprint on it.
  • Before you begin, create sacred space around your Ancestral Altar.
  • Focus on your Ancestors and ask for them to bless the spray. You feel yourself disconnect from your body and sink into Mother Earth.  
  • The world falls away behind you. You float down to the ancestral realms and feel the protection of Mother Earth and your ancestors all around you, supporting and guiding you.
  • With your eyes still closed, pick up your mist bottle. You feel the bottle pulsate, and as you look at it with your mind’s eye, you see it glow. You feel your ancestors pouring their blessings into the bottle as it glows.
  • Feel the bottle in your hand, and feel the bottle get warmer. The bottle is now glowing so brightly you can barely look at it. Its glow and energy match the vibration of your Ancestors. Stay with the bottle like this for as long as you wish.
  • Once you feel complete, feel yourself rising through Mother Earth. As you rise, you come past tree roots, fantastic crystal caverns, and all of the wonders deep within the Mother. You feel the world returning to you a bit at a time. 
  • You slowly feel yourself reconnect with your body. You feel energized, blessed, and cleansed as you comfortably settle in.
  • Once you feel complete, begin to bring awareness back into your body as you connect with every inch of it and feel your power supporting you once again. Move your fingers and toes when you feel connected.  
  • Close your sacred space, and if you use a spell candle, let it burn down. Place the spray on your regular or Ancestral altar for 24 hours for the energy to settle. It is now ready to use.

Using your Mist for Portable Ancestral Blessings

Whether you decided to imprint your mist or not, you can use it in any of the following ways:

  • When you need the strength of your Ancestors beside you
  • The mist can be used to bless and consecrate tools for spiritual purposes when you don’t have oil around.
  • Use the mist over your altar before you begin any ceremony involving your Ancestors, the Dead, or the Underworld.
  • You can also use it during a Bath Ceremony to add energy to your ceremony. Just spray the mist over the water or on yourself. Close your eyes and take a deep breath to take in the scent.
  • You can spray it on your pillow to promote lucid dreams and to receive messages from your Ancestors.
  • Spray the mist over a water bowl to bless it for any ritual. (Do not drink the water.)  
  • You can spray the mist over your ancestral altar to keep it cleansed and cleared.
  • Use the mist to bless an area before performing any ceremony, including mediumship sessions, tarot and divination sessions, or any time you wish to connect with your Ancestors.

Imprinting Ceremony for Cemetery or Psychopomp Use

  • You can use oils, incense, and crystals for this ceremony. I generally will use a spell candle, oil, and incense.
  • Be sure you perform this ceremony on a good day, where you feel balanced, calm, and relaxed since this is the energy pattern you want to imprint on it.
  • Before you begin, create sacred space around your main Altar.
  • Focus on the underworld and the intent of your work. If you do a lot of Cemetery work, you may want to imprint it to connect with the dead and hear clear messages or perhaps to protect yourself from the unsettled dead when you enter the cemetery. You can also imprint the mist to aid you in psychopomp work.
  • You feel yourself disconnect from your body and sink into Mother Earth.  
  • The world falls away behind you. You float down to the Underworld and feel the protection of Mother Earth, your spirit, and ancestral guides all around you, supporting and guiding you.
  • With your eyes still closed, pick up your mist bottle. You feel the bottle pulsate, and as you look at it with your mind’s eye, you see it glow with the energy and the intent you set forth earlier.
  • Feel the bottle in your hand, and feel the bottle get warmer. The bottle is now glowing so brightly you can barely look at it. Its glow and energy match the underworld deep within Mother Earth. Stay with the bottle like this for as long as you wish, or at least until you feel the imprinting is complete.
  • Once you feel complete, feel yourself rising through Mother Earth. As you rise, you come past tree roots, fantastic crystal caverns, and all of the wonders deep within the Mother. You feel the world returning to you a bit at a time. 
  • You slowly feel yourself reconnect with your body. You feel energized, blessed, and cleansed as you comfortably settle in.
  • Once you feel complete, begin to bring awareness back into your body as you connect with every inch of it and feel your power supporting you once again. Move your fingers and toes when you feel connected.  
  • Close your sacred space, and if you use a spell candle, let it burn down. Place the spray on the altar for 24 hours for the energy to settle. It is now ready to use.

Using your Mist for Cemetery or Psychopomp work

Whether you decided to imprint your mist or not, you can use it in any of the following ways:

  • During divination, when asking the dead for aid
  • For any psychopomp work, aiding a spirit to move to the other side.
  • Use the mist at the cemetery when collecting dirt or connecting with a spirit.
  • You can use it to help open a portal for the dead to cross over.
  • You can spray it on your pillow to promote lucid dreams and to receive messages from the dead.
  • Spray the mist and inhale deeply for any ceremony to heal the dead. 
  • You can spray the mist over an honoring altar as an offering to a spirit or Deity.
  • Use the mist to bless an area before performing any ceremony associated with the dead, including mediumship sessions, divination sessions, or all other types of spiritual communication.
  • You can use the mist to clear an area before performing any funerary rite.

Elemental Water connects us with our emotional body, intuition and universal love. 


Elemental Air connects us with inspiration, creativity, clarity and the higher realms.


Saturn rules organization, legal matters, endings and banishings.


Mercury rules creativity, communication, clarity, and travel.


Jupiter brings us the energy of expansion, abundance, protection and growth.


Venus Rules Love, Glamour, Creativity, Sexual attraction

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Click on each bubble to explore the energetic influences in each blend!

Areas of Focus


The Mighy Dead

Funerary Rites

Spirit Summoning
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