Alkanet Root Pieces (Wild Crafted)
Bulk Herbs: Alkanet Root, Wild Crafted
Batschia canescens
Format: Chunks
Size: 1 oz package
Also Known as: Batschia canescens, Hoary puccoon, Lithospermum canescens, Dyer's bugloss, Orcanet, Dyer's Alkanet
Farming: Wild Crafted
Location: Pakistan
Alkanet root is primarily used as a natural dying agent, and it imparts a ruby red color to natural fibers, wool, wood, stone, lip balm, lipstick, ointments, salve, soap, lotion, and to tint oils, vinegar, tinctures, varnishes, or wine. In the past, Alkanet root was used to improve the appearance of low quality wines and ports, and to give an aged appearance to wine corks. However, Alkanet root is mainly used as a dying agent now, and is not recommended for internal use. In soap, Alkanet root will yield shades of pink, blue, and purple, depending upon the amount used, types of oil used, and the alkalinity of the soap. D not use on broken skin.
Note: For external use only. Do not apply to broken or abraded skin.
In Magick this herb is often used as a purifying agent. It can be added to powders and incenses to help remove negative spirits from a particular area or object. Can also be used alone, when empowered, it can be sprinkled around the foundation of a home to keep it protected and purified.
Keywords: Purification, Prosperity
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.