Clove Bud, Essential Oil
Essential Oils: Clove Bud
Eugenia caryophyllata
Size: 10 ml
Clove Bud Essential Oil, Euginia caryophyllata, is a very warm, spicy and aromatic oil. It is most effective as an antiseptic when diffused, and is a wonder for toothaches and abscesses when dabbed on the tooth very, very carefully. Clove Bud Oil is a hot spice oil, and can burn if used on the skin undiluted. It is stimulating to the mind, enhances concentration and can act as an aphrodisiac. It blends well with lavender, bergamot, orange, vanilla, vetiver, ylang ylang and other florals. Clove Oil can help sweeten some medicinal smelling blends. It is a great oil for potpourris and other home fragrance products. Clove Bud Essential Oil is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, so extreme care should be taken when using on the skin. It must be diluted to less than .75%.
Scent Characteristics: Sweet and spicy with hint of fruit scent nice in blends.
NOTE: Avoid Clove Bud Essential Oil during pregnancy and do not use on babies or young children. Extreme care should be taken when using on the skin.
For educational purposes only This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.