Lime, Essential Oil
Essential Oils: Lime (Organic)
Citrus aurantifolia
Size: 10 ml
Cold pressed Lime Essential Oil, Citrus aurantifolia, possesses the same therapeutic and blending properties of Lemon Oil. It can be used in much the same way. Lime Oil blends very nicely with florals, other citrus oils, clary sage and lavender. Very stimulating in cases of apathy, depression and anxiety. Eases coughs and chest congestion. Encourages appetite, may assist in anorexia. Assists in treating alcoholism because of its disinfecting and restorative properties.
Scent Characteristics: Sharp, bittersweet aroma.
NOTE: Keep out of reach of children. Highly concentrated, dilute properly before use. Keep away from eyes & mucous membranes. Strong photosensitizer. Formulations containing Lime Essential Oil should not be used on the skin within 4 hours of exposure to the sun. For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.