Mortuus [ˈmɔrt̪uʊs̠]
From Latin Mortuus
Mortuus (feminine mortua, neuter mortuum); first/second-declension participle
- Dead, having died.
- Decayed, withered (figuratively)
- Faint, overwhelmed.
- A dead person (noun)
- A corpse, a dead body (noun)
Our Mortuus Incense is the perfect ceremonial tool for all rituals involving the Ancestors, The Mighty Dead, The Underworld, Hedgecraft, Necromancy and Ancestral Reconciliation
It contains the following ingredients:
- Wormwood Herb
- Opopanax Resin
- Amaranth Herb
- Patchouli Herb
- Oregano Herb
- Dandelion Leaf
- Red Poppy Flowers
- Patchouli EO
- Oakmoss EO
Our Mortuus blend can be used as part of a ceremony or be your entire ceremony. This incense is created to be burned on charcoal. The included wooden stick will allow you to burn the right amount each time. A little bit goes a long way! Remember that if you put too much incense on your charcoal, it may snuff it out. If you are unsure of how to burn charcoal on incense, click ** HERE. **
Using it as part of your Ceremony
This blend can set the stage for any ceremony involving the Ancestors or the Dead. After you create your sacred space, you can light your incense. You must watch it; all incense burned on charcoal must be “fed.” This means you add a little incense at a time and add more as needed. This allows you to control the energy released through the incense as your ceremony progresses.
You may want more incense smoke if you are consecrating or blessing a tool with it and less if you are journeying or meditating. You may want to use the incense as an offering to honor an ancestor or deity you may be working with. This incense can also be used to call on the Mighty Dead for aid and guidance.

Using it as Your Ceremony
Incense can also be the focus of your ceremony. You would create sacred space as usual first. Make sure your charcoal is already lit. You would then sit in front of your censer and focus your intent on what your ceremony is for. With that intent clear in your mind, begin feeding your burner. Pay attention to the smoke and the herbs smoldering. The incense will burn for a while until it goes out (and would need to be fed again). I refer to this as a “set.”
You can use each incense “set” to elevate your intent during the ceremony. For example, if you were doing an ancestral honoring ceremony, your first set can focus on calling your ancestors to you. The second set could be connecting to your telling them all of the things you are grateful for. The third set could be asking them for guidance or blessings.
A Ceremony to Bless a Recently Passed Loved One
In this simple ceremony, you can use our Mortuus Incense to send blessings to a loved one who has recently passed. You can repeat this ceremony anytime you want to send blessings to a specific spirit on their journey to the other side.
Tools Needed:
- Mortuus Incense
- Incense Censer
- Charcoal
- White Candle
- Pen and Paper
- Fire-poof container
- Mortuus Oil
The Ritual
- Create Sacred Space in your preferred Method.
- Charge your candle using the Mortuus Oil. Be clear when sending blessings towards the recently passed loved one so they can find their way on the other side. Light the candle.
- Light the charcoal and begin burning the incense.
- On the paper, write down the full name of the person who passed. Add their birthday and date of death. You can also add other symbols of encouragement, such as words or drawings. Be sure that everything you add is positive and does not encourage the spirit to stay. Do not write anything about how their passing makes you feel. This is about them and not you.
- Please close your eyes and hold the paper before your mouth so that your breath will blow on it as you speak. Say these or similar words: “<NAME>, I bless you on your journey! May you find peace love and reconnect with your ancestors and loved ones!”
- Repeat the words three times, and visualize the person walking into a light and being received by their loved ones.
- Dab some of the oil on the paper and add a pinch of incense to it. Roll the paper closed away from you and light it with the candle. As the paper burns, drop it in your fireproof container.
- Be sure that your paper burns down. During this time, you can keep sending well wishes to your loved one. Spend as much time here as you wish.
- Once you are finished and the ashes are cool, release your sacred space and collect the ashes.
- Go somewhere peaceful to release the blessing. This can be a park, a lake, or anywhere you feel at peace. You can then scatter the ashes to the wind and say: “<Name>, I bless you on your journey – may you find peace and love!”
Elemental Water connects us with our emotional body, intuition and universal love.
Elemental Earth connects us with Mother Earth, the Underworld and our Ancestors.
Saturn rules organization, legal matters, endings and banishings.
Pluto rules the Underworld, the realm of possibilities, the ancestors and all who came before us.
Neptune taps into the energies of the Spiritual Realms, connecting us with our Spirit Guides, and all spiritual planes.
Mercury rules communication, travel, creativity and wisdom.
Click on each bubble to explore the energetic influences in each blend!
Areas of Focus



The Mighy Dead


Funerary Rites

Spirit Summoning


Spirit Guides