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Spīritus [ˈs̠piːrɪt̪ʊs̠]

From Latin Spīrō


Spīritus m (genitive spīritūs); fourth declension:

  1. Air, breath, breathing
  2. Light breeze
  3. Spirit, ghost
  4. Mind
  5. Energy; courage
  6. Pride, haughtiness, arrogance

Our spīritus Smoking Blend is the perfect ceremonial tool for all rituals involving the ancestors, the Mighty Dead, or the underworld. It is also perfect for ancestral healing work!

It contains the following ingredients:

  • Mullein Leaf
  • Mugwort Herb
  • Rose Petals
  • Damiana Leaf
  • Hibiscus Flower
  • Lemon Balm
  • Rosemary Herb
  • Marshmallow Leaf
  • Cacao Powder

Smoking blends offer a new way to connect with herbal energies. They can be a fantastic alternative to tobacco, but they also allow you to take in the essence of these herbs through elemental air for a unique and satisfying connection.

This blend is created for ancestral work, working with the dead or underworld spirits. You don’t have to use it only in ceremonies. It is safe to smoke every day if you so wish! If you decide to use it in a ceremony, it works beautifully to calm the mind, open the heart, and prepare for Meditation.

A Ceremony for Connecting with your Ancestors

This is a simple yet profound ceremony for connecting with your ancestors. Ancestral work is an integral part of many faiths and cultures, but it has been left behind in modern life. Reconnecting with our ancestors can bring peace and calm into our everyday lives, help us tap into ancestral gifts, and even give us an opportunity for ancestral healing. 

For this ceremony, you will need:

  • A white candle
  • Mortuus Oil or another oil for connecting with your ancestors or spirits of the dead.
  • A smoking pipe or rolling papers
  • Your Ancestor Altar
  1. Charge the Blend with the intent for ancestral work. Leave the tin on your Ancestor altar for at least three days, preferably a week.
  2. Create Sacred Space: use your favorite method for creating Sacred Space
  3. Charge your spell candle: You can use your favorite form to charge your spell candle or use Raven’s method.
  4. Light your candle: Light it after it has been charged and incense if you plan to use it.
  5. Roll or add the herbs to your pipe: This is very important; think about that ancestral connection.  If this is your first time, focus on opening a communication channel with them. If you already have an established ancestral practice, you can focus on the question you may have for them or whichever issue you are currently working on with them.
  6. Call in your Spirit Protectors: If this is your first time connecting with your ancestors, call your spiritual protectors to create a bubble of light around you. If you already have an established practice, you can skip this step. Visualize you and them sitting inside this bubble. You can see outside the bubble, but nothing outside can see you.  Once you feel the bubble around you, move on to the next step.  Take as long as you need to do this step. 
  7. Light your pipe: Light your pipe and close your eyes. Inhale the smoke, feel its energy, explore your body, and find that blood-and-bone ancestral connection. Repeat this 3 times each time, feeling more and more connected to your lineage.
  8. Calling your Ancestors (first time only): Now it is time to call your Ancestors to you. Close your eyes and contact them. You will see them gathering outside your bubble. As you look, more and more of them gather until you see people outside your bubble as far as the eye can see. There are so many of them that they become a sea of lights.  Some of them are brighter, and others darker.  All of them are outside of your bubble and cannot see you.  You are safe and protected inside of your bubble. You will now ask your FULLY HEALED ancestors to take one step forward.  As they do, you notice that these are the brightest of all your ancestors. You give thanks to the other ancestors and release them. You will now ask your fully healed ancestors to work with you – to guide and help you connect with them.  Listen closely for their answer – sometimes, they will give you messages on top of a yes or no answer.  If they say no, you can ask them why.  There may be something else you need to do before you can work with them.  They will tell you what that is. Once you complete what they told you to do, return and re-do the “first-time” ceremony. You can repeat this as many times as needed. It is common for ancestors to want to ensure you come from a good place to do this work.
  9. Calling Your Ancestors for Questions (other than the first time): Now it is time to call the ancestors to you. As they approach, always be respectful and grateful for their assistance.  You can now ask them your question and listen closely to their reply!
  10. Close your ceremony: Once you feel complete, thank them for their assistance and release them.
  11. Release your sacred space.
  12. Empty your pipe and dispose of the ash somewhere out in nature.

Elemental Water connects us with our emotional body, intuition and universal love. 


Elemental Fire powers our blend to reach through the veil in calling forward our Ancestors and the Mighty Dead! It connects us to the power of change and transformation.


Venus rules attraction, love, creativity and beauty.  Venus attracts the spirits to us in this blend.

The Sun

The Sun rules leadership, success, the Divine Masculine. 


Saturn rules organization, the underworld, entropy, death.

The Moon

The Moon rules the Divine Feminine, emotions, our emotional body and Magick.

Learn More

Click on each bubble to explore the energetic influences in each blend!

Areas of Focus


The Mighy Dead

Funerary Rites

Spirit Summoning
Spirit Guides