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Amethyst, Inclusions (Lodolite), Points, Small

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Amethyst, Inclusions (Lodolite), Points, Small
Product Details
Element: Fire, Water
Planet: Moon, Mercury, Neptune
Birthstone: February
Astrology: Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer
Chakra: Upper Chakras
Keywords: Psychic Development, Psychic Protection, Emotional Balance, Recovery, Stress, PTSD, Clarity, Sleep, Dreams, Astral Travel, Spiritual Awakening
Sacred Geometry: Sphere, Rhombohedron, Scalenohedron, Dipyramid, Pyramid

Amethyst, Inclusions (Lodolite), Points, Small
Quantity per order: 1 crystal
Size: 1/2" to 3/4"

About Amethyst

Amethyst forms in the Earth’s crust from the mineral quartz, one of Earth's most common minerals. The purple coloration of amethyst is due to the presence of iron and other trace elements within the quartz crystal lattice.

One of the most widely accepted theories is that amethyst forms in hydrothermal veins, fractures in the Earth’s crust filled with hot mineral-rich fluids. These fluids can contain dissolved silica, the main component of quartz, as well as trace amounts of iron and other impurities. As the fluids cool and solidify, they form quartz crystals, which can develop the purple coloration characteristic of amethyst if the right conditions are present.

Another theory is that amethyst can form in the cavities and fractures of rocks due to precipitation from groundwater. This process is known as “secondary deposition” and can occur when water-carrying dissolved minerals seep into the ground and reacts with existing minerals. The resulting crystals can grow over time, forming amethyst geodes and other structures.

About Inclusion Quartz

Inclusion Quartz has had many names associated with it given by the metaphysical community - but they are all basically the same thing. The names we have come across are Lodolite, Garden Quartz, Shaman Dream Quartz, and others. We have also seen where any inclusion is referred to as a "Phantom," which is incorrect in the strict geological sense. A Phantom phenomenon refers to one crystal beginning to form, and then that process is stopped for some reason and resumed. The result is geometric "layers" within the crystal that match the crystal formation outside. Those are true Phantoms.

Most inclusions in quartz form in hydrothermal conditions, especially in Brazil. In these conditions, silica is usually the last mineral to form after rarer, more reactive elements in the crust bond with each other or with silica groups, forming other minerals until only silica remains, which grows in the remaining spaces. This will cause crystals to form inside the Quartz. Some of these inclusion quartz pieces can be absolutely stunning!

Please be careful when purchasing any inclusion quartz. Many of the pieces coming out of China right now are made of powdered Quartz or glass, heated, and formed around a resin center to enhance the colors and shapes. These crystals can be stunning as they are manufactured, and some are actually made of Quartz! Since they are not a natural formation and the inclusions inside are unnatural, the energy stored within the stone will vary from a genuinely natural inclusion quartz. The planet did not infuse energy into that crystal over millions of years; therefore, the stone will be much less vibrant than the natural variety.

All of our inclusion quartz is 100% natural!

Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst

Outside of clear quartz, Amethyst is probably the most sought-after stone, and for good reason! It connects us to our upper chakras, helping to open up our Third eye and assist in spiritual development. It is also a protective stone and can be an amazing psychic protection amulet. Amethyst works deeply in our energy bodies to connect and align them; therefore, it is also an excellent stone for emotional balance and stress relief. Reach amethyst when you are going through a difficult time of transition, grief, or emotional imbalance. It is also an incredibly supportive stone when dealing with substance abuse, supporting you both emotionally and physically through the process.

Amethyst can also be a great companion for those looking to improve their Astral Travel ability or begin Lucid Dreaming work. It can also be used as an amulet against bad dreams (be sure to program it that way!).

Amethyst and Intoxication

In many ancient texts, Amethyst is regarded as a stone that, when worn, allows the user to avoid intoxication. Deriving its name from the ancient Hellenistic Greek: Amethystos meaning “a-“ not & “-methysko” meaning ‘intoxicate’, both the ancient Greek and Roman societies believed that Amethyst had the ability to protect from drunkenness, with the ancient Greeks even fashioning drinking vessels and wearing amethyst jewelry.

The misidentification hypothesis - There is some speculation that the reason this myth came about was due to misidentification. Red Garnet could have been misidentified as Amethyst. When this "Amethyst" was used as a serving glass, the clear water that was poured into it would turn red like wine (due to the reddish runoff). This liquid would create an illusion to others as though the consumer was drinking wine yet could avoid intoxication.

The dilution hypothesis - Long ago, in Ancient Greece, wine was not quite like what we drink today; it was very thick, syrupy, and strong. To ensure it would keep for longer, a kind of pin resin known as turpentine was added to it. However, the Greeks didn’t understand that this cocktail could cause drunkenness in minutes. The ethical norms of that time stipulated that being drunk was shameful behavior, so to solve this problem, wine was diluted with water. The violet shade of amethyst was used as an indicator of the optimal concentration: diluted wine is paler, similar to the color of purple quartz, and, correspondingly, less intoxicating.

The Dionysus Story - According to Greek mythology, Amethystos was a beautiful virgin maiden who was on her way to worship at the Temple of Artemis. Unfortunately for Amethystos, she came under the wrath of Dionysus, the god of wine, intoxication, and grapes. Dionysus was pursuing Amethyste and became enraged when she refused his affections. When Amethyste cried for the virgin goddess Artemis to help her remain chaste, she immediately answered her prayers and transformed her into a white glimmering Quartz stone to protect her from Dionysus. Humbled by her wish to remain chaste, Dionysus poured red wine over the stone as an offer of respect, transforming the stone into the purple crystals we now know as Amethyst.

Classification Silicates
Mohs Hardness 7
Chemical Formula SiO2
Crystal System Trigonal
Diagnostic Properties Conchoidal fracture, glassy luster, hardness
Cleavage None - typically breaks with a conchoidal fracture.

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