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Integration, Smoke Cleansing Fan

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Integration, Smoke Cleansing Fan
Product Details

Integration, Smoke Cleansing Fan

Bird Feathers: Guinea Fowl, Mallard (Duck), Pheasant

About Smoke Cleansing Fans

Feathers have traditionally been used for a variety of purposes. They are an integral part of shamanic practice, and they are used as regalia and tools for smoke cleansing and healing.

A shaman can use a smoke-cleansing fan, wafting smoke from burning herbs into an area or person. Using feather fans during smoke cleansing gives you better control over where you send the smoke.

Each fan will also bring animal medicine for the animals who gave their parts to the fan. The fan is a living entity and can significantly enhance your spiritual practice. When you first receive it, you should journey with your fan to discover what medicine it will bring to your practice and what skills it can teach you.


  • Blue Lace Agate - a stone of the throat chakra that aids in expression and making yourself heard. It is also excellent for working with spirit guides and finding inner peace.
  • Howlite: connects with the root and crown chakras. A stone of emotional healing and peace, it is excellent for shadow work and recovery from grief.
  • Ulexite: High-vibration crystal that enhances intuition, psychic ability, and inner wisdom. It is also a fantastic energy amplifier.

Plant Medicine

Maple (handle): In Native American culture, Maple is a tree of protection against negative energies and evil spirits. In Celtic practices (called the Sycamore), it is Sacred to Dana, Goddess of Fertility. It is often seen as a symbol of strength, endurance, and protection.

Animal Medicine

Guinea Fowl: In many African cultures, guinea fowls symbolize vigilance and protection; due to their strong sense of community and ability to sound an alarm, they are often associated with being “on guard.” In addition, they also hold spiritual significance in some African traditions. Their feathers are used in ceremonies or as amulets to bring luck and protection. In some Native American cultures, they are seen as messengers from the spirit world. They are sometimes called “sky chickens” because they can fly short distances. They are often seen as omens of change.

Pheasant Feathers: Master of clairvoyance and clairaudience, these stunning birds only fly short distances, as they prefer being in the ground foraging for berries, seeds, and grains. They are always keenly aware of the environment around them. Pheasants help us to find our core authenticity, own our power, and find our inner and outer beauty. They can be fearless when needed, taking flight over 60 mph to escape a predator. Being a prey animal, the pheasant chooses to live on its terms; it knows its strengths and is not afraid to use them to make the best of any situation.

Mallard/Duck: Mallard's medicine carries a gentle energy with a strong focus on the Divine Feminine and a deep connection with elemental water. Mallard, as a teacher, gives lessons in emotional comfort and protection. They also represent the astral plane and are associated with the human emotional state. Mallard shows us how to swim through the various waters of life so that we do not get tangled up in the debris floating around us. It teaches us to protect ourselves from negative emotions while gliding through those waters.

Raccoon Fur: The raccoon spirit is a problem solver. A clever totem, the raccoon offers lessons about the importance of adaptability in any situation and looking at the entire picture, not just what one wants to see. Raccoons are incredibly courageous and can even be quite ferocious for small animals. Despite the raccoon’s cleverness and emphatic nature, it will fight when threatened. Likewise, it teaches you to be aware of when to let things slide and when you should stand up for yourself. Raccoons can be tricksters, but as scavengers, they remind us to focus on what we need, not what we want.

All of the fans made by White Thunder Bear are sourced from cruelty-free animal parts. Feathers and wings are created from birds that either shed them naturally, died of natural causes, or were consumed for food, where using all of the parts of each animal is an honoring of the animal. Furs and leather are sourced from the same supplier that sources parts for first families.

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