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Psyllium Husks

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Product Details

Bulk Herbs: Psyllium Husks

Plantago ovata

Also Known as Indian psyllium, blonde psyllium, Ispaghula, Spogel Seeds, Plantago
Farming: NA
Location: India

Size: 1oz.

Psyllium is a low-growing herb native to India, Iran, and Pakistan, in the same family as the common Plantain. Psyllium Husks, or Plantago ovate, have been used worldwide to supplement the fiber in a person's diet. Psyllium Husks are favored for their high concentration of soluble fiber. Extracted from the Psyllium plant, this completely natural herb offers an easy method to increase fiber intake. The uses of whole, powder or bulk Psyllium Husks have not changed so much over the years.
Warning: Contraindicated in bowel obstruction, esophageal stenosis, & abnormal intestinal narrowing. CHOKING: Taking this product (child or adult dose) without adequate fluid may cause it to swell & block your throat or esophagus & may cause choking. Do not take this product if you have difficulty swallowing. If you experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing after taking this product, seek immediate medical attention. This product must be taken with at least 8oz of water. Please consult a physician before taking this herb internally.
In magick, psyllium husks can be used as an offering to the Goddess Aphrodite or Venus. It can also be added to spells and blends to aid in all types of healing, enhance the power of other herbs, and strengthen the attraction in any blend. Especially good for love attraction magick.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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