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Sumac Powder

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Product Details

Bulk Herbs: Sumac Berry, Powder
Rhus aromatica

Format: Powder
Size: 1 oz package

Farming: N/A
Location: Turkey

Sumac Berries grow on a bush and the berries turn bright red in the fall. This Sumac used in culinary applications is grown in the Middle East. Ground Sumac imparts a sourness to dishes. It is often used in Middle Eastern dishes in the ways that lemon or vinegar would be used by Western cooks.

Mixed with strained yogurt, sumac makes a wonderful light sauce. Sumac can be added to marinades, salad dressings or rubbed on meats prior to grilling. Sumac is a deep red color, with a sweet aroma and a tart, lemony flavor.

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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