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Anima Bath Salt 3
Anima [ˈänɪmä]

From Latin Anima


anima f (genitive animae); first declension

  1. Soul, Spirit, Life
  2. Air, Breeze
  3. Breath

Our Anima Bath Salt Blend is the perfect ceremonial tool for all rituals involving the Ancestors, The Mighty Dead, Psychopomp, Necromancy, and all rituals involving the underworld. This blend can also be used for foot baths and head-washing ceremonies.

It contains the following ingredients:

  • Helichrysum EO
  • Lemon Balm EO (Melissa)
  • Mugwort EO
  • Ravensara EO
  • Oakmoss EO
  • Patchouli E
  • Birch EO
  • Hibiscus FO
  • Amaranth Herb
  • Comfrey Leaf
  • Hibiscus Flower
  • Hawaiian Black Salt

Bathing and cleansing arose as a spiritual ceremony in Asia and India, although the tradition then was tied to the healing waters of rivers.  The Romans and Greeks were the key drivers in bringing it indoors and making it a social healing and wellness experience.

Over the years, the bathing experience has changed and modernized. Public Bathing fell in and out of fashion many times through the years. Private bathing was only afforded by the very rich. With today’s technology, bathing has become a private personal ritual that most can enjoy at home.

Bathing has been proven to ease stress, help tired muscles recover, and even reduce the chance of heart disease. A 2018 study out of Japan reported that regular submersion in 100-degree Fahrenheit (40-degree Celsius) water significantly reduced stress, fatigue, and pain, improved skin condition, and reported feelings of health. The researchers compared two groups, one who showered regularly and one who bathed regularly, over two weeks. They then swapped the groups so the showerers became bathers and vice versa. The bathers had better outcomes than those who showered.

A ceremonial bath enhances the bath experience to heal not only the body but also the spirit. Bathing with herbs invites our plant spirit allies to work uniquely with our entire body and spirit. Adding intention to your bath can create a beautiful ceremony that can be truly empowering.

Using Bath Salts

Creating a ceremonial bath at home is a deliberate experience of intent.  The ceremony doesn’t begin when you enter the bath, but it starts right when you begin to create just the right ambiance for your bath.  All of these steps will add to the power and effectiveness of your ritual bath.

These bath Salts can be used in many different ways.  You can create a foot bath, if you do not have a bathtub, and still have the benefit of a bath ceremony, just follow all of the same steps.  You can also use this blend in a head washing ceremony if you prefer.  Below are some steps on how you can create an empowering bath ceremony.

Bath Ceremony honor Blood and Bone Ancestors

You Will need the following for your Ceremony:

  1. Your Anima Bath Salts
  2. 1 oz of Rum or Florida Water (Optional)
  3. Crystals for decoration (Optional)
  4. Mortuus Oil (Optional)
  5. Mortuus Incense(optional)
  6. Spell Candle (Optional – create an ancestral candle)
  7. Anima Herbal Mist (optional)
  • Be sure your bathroom, tub, and yourself are clean before you begin your ceremony. You do not want to have bad vibes or negativity entering your Ceremony.
  • Consider what you will have in the room to create the ambiance. Consider bringing in candles (illumination and spell candles if you wish), incense, crystals, oils, and sprays to add to your ceremony. 
  • Selenite, Orthoceras, Ammonite, blue chalcedony, jet or petrified wood are good crystals to add. You can also use the Anima Herbal Mist to empower the experience. Good candle colors are white, purple, or black. You can charge your candles with the Mortuus Oil and use our Mortuus Incense during your ceremony. You can also create an ancestral candle with the Anima Herbal Blend for your ceremony.  Get creative!
  • Once everything is in the bathroom, close the door and create a sacred space.
  • Sit down and focus on the intent of your bath—to honor your blood and bone ancestors through your own body. Once that is clear, begin deliberately placing the items around the tub or the bathroom in a way that feels right for you. Let your intent and intuition guide you.
  • Draw the bath once the room is set and everything is in place. 
  • If you plan to use incense, light it.
  • As the water pours into the tub, light your candles. If you brought a spell candle, this is the time to charge it with your intent. Once charged, light your spell candle.
  • Take your clothes off. Before you enter the tub, you can anoint yourself with our Mortuus Oil or use our Anima Herbal Mist to prepare your physical body for the experience.
  •  Some people also prefer to anoint the bathtub’s rim with the oil or spray the top of the water before they step in.
  • If you use Rum or Florida water, add it to the tub now. As you do, offer it to your ancestors and ask them to bless it.
  • Step into the tub and gently sink into the water. Please take a moment to feel the energy of the water; feel it touching every inch of yourself and aiding you in the work of your intent.
  • Close your eyes and visualize your ancestral line, connected to you by your DNA, in a long chain that honors each member before you. Let the body relax in the water; the more it relaxes, the more weightless you feel.
  • You will now begin honoring your body as the gift it is from your Ancestors:

Take your feet and gently hold them in your hands as you say aloud:

  • “These feet are gifts from my ancestors, I honor their steps as I take mine and hope to honor them with each step.”

Take your Legs and gently hold them in your hands as you say aloud:

  • “These legs are gifts from my ancestors, they hold me up and carry me forward as they did my ancestors. I hope to honor them in every stride.”

Wrap your arms around your hips and waist and gently hold them as you say aloud:

  • “These hips and waist are gifts from my ancestors.  Within here liest my power of creation, and I honor them with everything I create.”

Wrap your arms around your torso, focusing on your heart and lungs, as you say aloud:

  • “This chest and torso is a gift from my ancestors. My heart beats as theirs did, and I breathe the same air.  Let my life honor them with every breath.”

Wrap your arms around your torso, focusing on your arms and hands as you say aloud:

  • “These arms and hands are gifts from my ancestors. I honor them with every touch and carry their medicine within my arms, and I am thankful.”

Gently wrap your hands around your throat and say aloud:

  • “My voice is a gift from my ancestors.  This unique vibration that is mine, connects me to my lineage, as I add my voice to theirs. Let my song honor them with every note.”

Gently place your hands on either side of your head, focusing on your nose, eyes, and nose, and say aloud:

  • “My senses are a gift from my ancestors.  They allow me to explore my world as they explored theirs. Let their wisdom infuse me, so that I can explore the world with love in my heart.”

Finally, place your hands on top of your head and say aloud:

  • “Through the crown of my head I connect to my lineage.  I am blessed by their gifts and thankful for their wisdom. I am here today because of them, with every step they made me, with every breath, they cleared my way and with every heartbeat they gave me life.  I honor them through my body.”
  • At this time, you can use the herbal mist if you want; if not, keep focusing on your body and how you reflect all of the ancestors who came before you. Use this time to connect with them or sit in quiet gratitude.
  • You may use the Herbal Mist over the bath water to enhance the ceremony and experience.
  • Once you are finished, step out of the bath and dry yourself off with a clean towel. (Tip: I like using a mesh strainer to remove the floating herbs from the water so they do not clog my pipes. I then leave the herbs I collected out by my offering tree to give them back to Mother Earth.)
  • Open the drain and watch as the water goes down, giving thanks for your ancestral blessings.
  • Once you feel ready, release your sacred space and snuff out all the candles except your spell candle if you had one (you need to let the candle burn down).

Elemental Water connects us with our emotional body, intuition and universal love. 


Elemental Earth connects us to the underworld, our roots and our physical connection with those that came before us.


Pluto connects us to the Underworld and the realm of the Ancestors


The Moon

The Moon taps into the Divine Feminine, bringing magick, emotional support and gentleness


Venus rules the arts, attraction and love and in this blend, it strengthens your call to the spirits to come to you.


Saturn rules structure, organization and entropy.  It is a fantastic planet for connecting with the dead.

Learn More

Click on each bubble to explore the energetic influences in each blend!

Areas of Focus


The Mighy Dead

Funerary Rites

Spirit Summoning
Spirit Guides