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Home Blessings and Cleansing are crucial for maintaining spiritual hygiene. A harmonious energy within your home is key to nurturing positive family relationships, mental clarity, and overall well-being. Your home is your sanctuary and should always feel welcoming and comforting for you and your loved ones.

While many people rely on sage to cleanse their homes, they often stop there. This kit provides you with all the essential items needed for a thorough cleansing of your space and for keeping it clear in the future.

Deep Cleansing Vs. Everyday Maintenance

There is a significant distinction between deep cleansing and routine maintenance. A deep cleansing should be performed once or twice a year. If you keep up with maintenance after a deep cleansing, you shouldn’t have to do it again for a while.

Additionally, consider doing a deep cleansing if you have overnight guests who stay for an extended period. This practice helps clear their energy from your home and restore the balance of your energy.

    Your kit contains the following items:

    • White Sage Bundle White sage is a fantastic cleansing herb that will give your space an energetic bath!
    • Yerba Santa Bundle—Yerba Santa comes from the American Southwest and is a fantastic herb for creating and consecrating sacred space. It helps establish boundaries in your space and works like an energetic balm to raise vibrations and create peace.
    • Palo SantoPalo Santo is a sacred wood from the Amazon. It balances energy polarities and is fantastic for space maintenance after a full clearing. It is also an excellent herb for cleansing the Auras of people and pets.
    • Amāre Herbal MistUse this as a room spray when you need a positive energy boost. It is excellent after a difficult conversation, an argument, or even when you feel blah.
    • Gaudium Warding SaltsThis warding salt is perfect for raising vibrations in an area and grounding any negativity. You can sprinkle it on the perimeter of your home after a deep cleansing or place a little in a dish in a room that may need an extra boost!

    Deep Cleansing

    A comprehensive cleansing may require some time, but it is worth it if you haven’t tried it before. I typically set aside an entire afternoon to ensure I can perform it thoroughly and truly enjoy the experience.

    Cleansing involves two fundamental steps. The first step is designed to dispel negativity, while the second step fills your environment with uplifting, positive energy. Both steps are essential. In your cleansing kit, you will find the following two plant medicines:

    • Step 1—White Sage: This plant medicine is an energetic bath for your home. The smoke from the white sage should reach every nook and cranny of your living space.
    • Step 2 – Yerba Santa: This plant medicine offers protection, raises vibrations, and establishes sacred space. Ensure the Yerba Santa’s smoke fills every part of your home.

    Our plant medicines are sustainably cultivated by the first families committed to maintaining this tradition.

    Step by Step:

    1. Close all doors and windows.
    2. Begin on the front door, and use your white sage to cleanse.  You want the smoke to touch every nook and cranny of the home.
    3. Move counterclockwise from the front door until you complete the first floor.  If you have a second floor, repeat the process upstairs.
    4. Leave the doors, and Windows closed for about 45 minutes to an hour to ensure the smoke saturates the inside.
    5. Open all windows and air out the house for about 20 minutes.
    6. Close all windows and doors again and repeat the process with the Yerba Santa, this time going clockwise instead of counterclockwise.
    7. Once you complete the house again, leave all windows and doors closed for 45-60 minutes to saturate.
    8. Open doors and windows and air out the space!

    Using the Warding Salts and Spray

    The Warding Salts and Spray will raise vibrations immediately in any area of your home – and a little goes a long way!

    Use the Warding Salts outside by sprinkling them in the perimeter of your home.  This will reinforce your protection ward, ground negativity, and bring happiness and joy. You can sprinkle them in a room and let them sit for 24 hours before vacuuming them to ground negativity and bring happiness back into the space.  Another way to use it is to add a little bit of the salt mixture to a shot glass and place it behind the door to a room to clear anything that goes in or comes out of the room. This is great for bedrooms!

    The spray can be used as a mood lifter in a space or on a person. A few puffs on yourself is all you need. If you use it for a room, spray in a clockwise circular motion. The spray can also be used on bed sheets to bring peace and calm before bed. It is excellent for emotional support and a mood boost during a bath or shower!

    Energetic Maintenance

    Once your home is cleansed, you can use the Palo Santo for energetic maintenance. Light the Palo Santo once weekly or every two weeks and gently run the smoke through each room. This does not have to saturate, as the sage did during the deep cleansing.

    Alternately, you can also use the white sage and yerba santa combo. Once again, you won’t need to saturate the area like in a deep cleansing. Use the spray and salts as needed.