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Sepelio 4
Sepeliō [s̠ɛˈpɛlʲioː]

Sepeliō (present infinitive sepelīre, perfect active sepelīvī, supine sepultum); fourth conjugation


  1. To Bury, Inter
  2. To burn on a Funeral Pyre
  3. To supress
  4. To submerge

Warding Salts are created to protect, consecrate, cleanse, or bless an area.  Our Sepeliō Warding Salts are created to help put spirits at rest or, at the very least, to calm them down.  They are excellent to use in areas with a lot of spiritual activity.

Our Sepeliō Warding Salts contain the following ingredients:

  • Natural Fine Pacific Sea Salt
  • Natural Hawaiian Black Sea Salt
  • Cypress EO
  • Wormwood Herb & EO
  • Helichrysum Flower & EO
  • Rose EO
  • Skullcap Herb
  • Red Poppy Flowers
  • Comfrey Leaf

Warding Salts can be used in many ways. We recommend sprinkling them over the area you wish to protect. In the case of this blend, you can sprinkle it in areas with the most spiritual activity.

Below, we will explore two ways to use our Sepeliō Warding Salts. The first step is to empower the salts with your intent. Please note that these salts are not meant to be used as Bath Salts, but you can use them that way in a pinch or in a head-washing ceremony. They are excellent at head washing to remove any dead souls influencing your life.

Empowering your Warding Salts

Empower the Salts first on your altar.  You can empower the entire Jar or just the amount you wish to use, if you plan to empower the rest for something different later.

  • Create Sacred Space in your preferred way. If you wish to empower your salts, you can use crystals, a spell candle, and incense.
  • Place the salts at the center of your altar.  I place something under them, representing what I plan to use them for. If I want to put a spirit to calm a spirit down, I may put a Saturn Sigil on a piece of paper or put their name under it.  This work can be done on a petrified wood or black Obsidian slab.
  • Focus on your intent.  Close your eyes and see the spirits lying down and resting within Mother Earth.
  • Cup your hands over your salts and transfer all the energy you visualize into the salts.
  • If you use incense, you can pass the salt jar through incense smoke to further bless it. Place the Jar back on the altar.  If you need to add anything to your blend, such as a crystal or other oils, do it now.
  • If you used a spell candle, let the candle burn down.  Allow the Jar to sit undisturbed atop the item representing your intent for 24 hours.
  • Your salts are now ready to be used.

Ways to use your Warding Salts

You can use your salts in one of 2 ways:

  • Using the entire Jar as is: You can place the Jar as a whole at the center of the room with the most spiritual activity.  If you plan to add a crystal, good choices are amber, petrified wood, black obsidian, black agate, smoky quartz, or hematite to keep it going for 30 days. Do not use black tourmaline or other vibration crystals – we want to calm the energies, not raise them. Your jar can cover one entire room in your home or office.  You can use the salts indefinitely, but they must be empowered again after 30 days.  To do this, remove the stone, cleanse it, and do the empowering ceremony again.  If you wish to strengthen the scent, add a few drops of our Mortuus oil or spray the Anima Herbal Mist instead. This is an excellent option for those who live in an apartment building or for an office.
  • Sprinkling the Salts: This is a great way to use the salts to create a perimeter around your home.  Once your salts are empowered, please start at the front of your property and sprinkle them around it in a circle.  One Jar should be able to cover your entire house (a little goes a long way!).  As you do this, you can say what you want the salts to do for you, for example, “I ask Mother Earth to bring peace and rest to any spirits active in this area. I call on you to withdraw and sleep within the mother”.  You can complete this ceremony monthly if you live in a highly active area.

Blessing an Area for working with the Dead or the Ancestors

You can empower the entire jar to create sacred space for working with the dead. Then, whenever you have a ceremony, you can sprinkle the salts around the ceremonial space to bless it and keep any spirits you are working in a calm state. Once again, a little goes a long way! This is not recommended for an indoor ceremony unless you plan to vacuum them up once you are finished.

Learn More

Click on each bubble to explore the energetic influences in each blend!


Elemental Water connects us with our emotional body, intuition and universal love. 


Elemental Earth connects us with Mother Earth, the Underworld and our Ancestors.


Saturn rules organization, legal matters, endings and banishings.


Pluto rules the Underworld, the realm of possibilities, the ancestors and all who came before us.


Mars taps into raw power to give energy to this blend to work with even the most active spirits.

Areas of Focus


The Mighy Dead

Funerary Rites

Spirit Summoning
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